Disclaimer: I don’t own the rangers. They belong to Saban. This is only a fan fic

"Love In the Stars"

T.J. walks onto the bridge of the Astro Megaship.

Deca: Good morning T.J.

T.J: Good morning, Deca. (Andros notices T.J looking at Cassie)

Andros: Hey T.J. Sleeping late again?

T.J: I was really tired. Good morning everyone-

Deca: Incoming message.

Carlos: Bring it up on the main screen, Deca. (It was Astronema.)

Astronema: Rangers. (She chuckled insidiously) Meet me on KO 35. I’m ready to talk.... of peace. (The message turned off)

Cassie: It’s got to be a trap!

Andros: You never know... (The rangers run to the jump tubes)

T.J: You know she’s right, Andros.

Andros: Maybe... let’s just get down there. Follow my lead.

Ashley: Remember, Andros. It could be a trap.

Zhane: Be careful, Andros.

Andros: Right. Let’s Rocket! (The rangers jump down the tubes)

Red: Astronema! Where are you? (Suddenly, Quantrons attack the rangers)

Blue: Oh, man! I knew it was a trap!

Pink: Guys! Look out! (Andros and T.J are attacked from behind)

( Moments later, all of the rangers are pinned or held down to the ground by Quantrons.)

( Ecliptor and Astronema teleport in)

Astronema: Well. I’m so glad we could talk of peace. HA HA HA! DESTROY THEM!!!!

(Suddenly there is an explosion. The Quantrons are thrown or explode.)

Ecliptor: YOU!!

----- : Yes. Me. Ready to be destroyed, Ecliptor?!

Red: Zhane!

Silver: Ha! Looks like I’m just in time. (Zhane and Andros attack Ecliptor while the other four rangers take out the rest of the Quantrons.)

Yellow: Star Slinger!

Pink: Satellite Stunner!

Black: Lunar Lannce!

Blue: Astro Ax!

Moments later Astronema, Ecliptor, and the Quantrons teleport out.

Pink: Yeah! We showed them! (T.J puts his hand on Cassie’s shoulder.)

Blue: Good shooting, Cass!

Pink: You weren’t so bad yourself.

Silver: We’d better get back to the ship.

Black: Yeah. We’ve got to keep an eye out for Astronema attacking the Astro Megaship.

Red: Yeah. I guess you’re right. (T.J pulls Cassie aside, and lowers his voice)

Blue: Uh... Cassie.

Pink: Yeah, T.J?

Blue: Uh... I was wondering.... nevermind. (He notices the others have teleported already)

Pink: No, tell me.

Blue: Okay. I was wondering if you’d... like to... go and see a movie sometime.

Pink: Cool! Hey Why don’t we go back to the ship, get our money, and we can go now!

Blue: Okay!

"YES! She said yes! Okay, Teej. Don’t blow it. Find the right kind of movie. Not too much violence, not too much romance... unless she wants to see a movie like that... Wow. Maybe I can ask her out... No. I’ll wait for that." T.J thought.

Pink: You coming, T.J?

Blue: Uh... Yeah. (They teleport onto the ship)

Cassie: What a great movie!

T.J: Yeah. It was pretty good! We’d better start heading back.

Cassie, however was lost in her thoughts

"He liked the movie! What if he doesn’t like me? Wait... he asked me to the movies... of course he likes me. Right? Hmm.... Maybe he asked me just as a friend. In that case I don’t want to seem desperate... I wish I could tell him I like him-" Cassie thought, before she was interupted by T.J’s voice.

T.J: There’s a good spot.

Cassie: Huh?! Oh... right.

(They find an alley, make sure no one’s looking, and teleport)

Later, Ashley and Cassie are talking.

Ashley: So how was it?

Cassie: Great. It was so much fun. There were only five other people in the theatre though. I guess we waited too long to see the movie.

Ashley: Does he *ahem* know?

Cassie: -That I like him? What are you insane?!

Ashley: You need to tell him.

Cassie: Why don’t you tell *ahem* Carlos-

Ashley: -That I like him? What are you insane?!

Carlos and T.J are talking.

Carlos: How was the date?

T.J: It wasn’t tecnically a date.

Carlos: Did you guys have fun?

T.J: We sure did. It was great.

Carlos: So... did you tell her?

T.J: That I like her? She’d laugh me out of town! Why don’t you tell Ashley you like her?

Carlos: Yeah, right! She’d laugh me out of town.

"If only they knew," Deca thought, laughing to herself or itself. "If only they knew."

Alpha: Rangers! It’s Astronema!

Andros: Bring it up on the main screen.

Alpha: Well, there’s worse news.

T.J: What is it?

Alpha: Well, her forces are on three different planets.... which means... you’ll have to slpit up to fight her forces.

Carlos: Ashley and I will take Earth.

Cassie: Me and Teej will take M605.

Andros: -And I’ll take KO 35.

T.J: Where’s Zhane?

Andros: He’s looking for some parts for the Mega Winger.

Ashley: Okay. Let’s go. Good luck, everyone! (The Rangers run to the jump tubes.)

Andros: This is is... LET’S ROCKET! (Everyone jumps into their tube)

(Five beams of light pair off and travel in diffent directions leaving the red beam of light traveling off into the distance.)

Part 2

(Meanwhile, on Earth...)

Yellow: Keep your eyes open, Carlos!

Black: Yeah. Hey! Look! (Ashley looks to her left to see some Quantrons)

Yellow: Well... Let’s take them!

Black: Right!

(Later, everyone meets back on the megaship)

Andros: I can’t believe that Astronema’s forces were so easily beaten!

(Zhane teleports in)

Zhane: Hey! What’s up?

Carlos: We’ve just beaten some of Astronema’s goons!

Ashley: We had them on the run in no time!

Cassie and T.J are working on their Galaxy Gliders and Astro Blasters.

T.J: Can you hand me that screwdriver?

Cassie: .....Huh? I’m sorry... I wasn’t listening.

T.J: That’s okay. I said could you hand me the screwdriver.

Cassie: Oh! Uh.. sure. Here ya go. (She walks over to TJ)

T.J: ....Thanks.. (Their faces move closer together and they are about to kiss when Ashley walks in. They pull away quickly)

Ashley: Hey guys! Andros wanted us to check out the engine room.

T.J: UH....Great! We’re on it. (The three leave)

"Oh, man! Talk about bad timing! Couldn’t she have come a few minutes later? Maybe, there will be another time...." Cassie thought dejectedly.

Minutes Later....

Ashley: Well, everything checks out okay, Andros.

Andros: Good. (He notices Ashley looking at Carlos)

"I’ve got to get her attention!" Andros thought. (He tried to speak, but a strange noise came out making him sound like a dying frog)

Ashley (Giggling): Are you okay, Andros? (Andros blushes, and runs his hands through his brown hair with blonde streaks)

Andros: Never been better...

"I’ve got to find a way for us to get away from the others." Cassie thought desperatly

Cassie: Uh... T.J!

T.J: Yeah?

Cassie: Hi! Uh... how would you like to... go..um...

T.J: Go where?

Cassie: -For a walk?

T.J: Sure! (They go to the jump tubes, and go down to Earth on their Galaxy Gliders)

Zhane: Do you think.... they like each other..?

Andros: Oh, yeah.

Alpha: Ah! Young love. it’s enough to make a robot cry.

Carlos: Well don’t! You’ll rust!

(Ashley laughs at this, and Andros is obviously hurt.)

"If only I would have told her I liked her. Things.. might be different-" Andros thought.

Zhane: Hey! Andros! Let’s go get some Earth food.

Andros: - Sure! Why not! (They walk out of the room.)

Carlos: So... what do want to do?

Ashley: Um...Let’s go down to the Simu- Deck, and play basketball.

Carlos: Cool!

Ashley: First one there gets the ball first! Oh, wait! Your shoe’s untied!

Carlos stops to tie his shoe, but then realizes that on the megaship they wear boots with buckles. He noticed Ashley was gone, and laugghing, he ran to catch up with her.

Carlos: Hey! You cheated!

Ashley: I must have been wrong. (Carlos walked over to her, and they kissed.)

"So much for basketball!" Ashley thought happily.

T.J: So, what’s up?

Cassie: Well, I wanted to talk to you.

T.J: I.... wanted to talk to you too.

Cassie: Go ahead..

T.J: Uh... Well I love you.

Cassie: That’s what I was going to say!

T.J: Well, I guess that’s settled. Now part two. I was wondering if you’d like to... you know... go steady? um....date?

Cassie: Yes. I’d love to- (She’s cut off by a kiss from T.J)

Cassie: Wow. You’re pretty good at this.

T.J: You are too. (They kiss)

Andros and Zhane teleport on the megaship.

Andros: -It’s called pizza.

Zhane: Whatever it was, it was good.

Andros: I wish they had this on back on- (He hears a noise, and he and Zhane run to the Simu Deck. Andros looks in, and turns away.)

Zhane: What is it?

Andros: Nothing. (Andros leaves)

Zhane looks in, and sees Carlos and Ashley kissing. He runs after his friend.

Zhane: Andros! Wait...

Andros: Leave me alone! (Walks into his room)

T.J and Cassie teleport in

Zhane: You guys have fun?

Cassie: Yeah. It was cool.

T.J: I’ve never felt this way towards anyone before.

Cassie: I know what you mean.

Zhane: Yeah. I’ve been there before too.... but we broke up. It probably wouldn’t have worked out. We were totally different. But that’s a different story. "She was Astronema queen of evil and I was the Silver Ranger. It never would have worked. Still-" Zhane thought.

When Zhane looked up again, Cassie and T.J were kissing, and he decided to leave the room.

Part 3

Carlos: Ashley.... There’s something I have to tell you.

Ashley: Yes?

Carlos: Well, remember when you were a cheerleader and I was on the Angel Grove High soccer team? (Ashley nods) Well... I’ve liked you ever since then.

Ashley: I remember that’s when we helped Adam defeat those Pirahnatrons a little under a month or two before we became Turbo Rangers.... Well, the truth is I’ve liked you sinnce then too!

Carlos: So... Would you like to-

Ashley: -date?

Carlos: Yeah.

Ashley: I’d love to.

Carlos: All right! -And all this time, I thought you’d say no!

Ashley: All ya had to do was ask!

Later, Andros sees Ashley on the bridge

Andros: Ashley! Hey.. Listen... Could I talk to you?

Ashley: Huh? Oh, Andros! Hey! Sure. Go ahead.

Andros: Well, I like you a lot-

Ashley- Oh, Andros! I’m sorry to tell you this... You’re a nice guy and all, but... I’m dating

Carlos, and well-

Andros (Dissapointed): -Oh... I see. Well, I’ll be going... now.

Zhane: Hey, Everyone! Come look!

T.J: What is it?

Andros: The Mega Voyager!

Cassie: All right! We found it!

Carlos: Astronema thought she’d keep this from us huh? Well, she was wrong!

(All cheer, except Andros)

Ashley: I can’t believe our luck!

T.J: Yeah, but we can’t celebrate too long. Astronema can attack at any time.

Zhane: So we get the Mega Voyager, and leave.

Cassie: Well, Let’s do this.

Alpha: Good luck.

Carlos: Don’t worry. We’re going to take Astronema’s forces down.

T.J: Well we’re not going to get anywhere just standing around. Let’s go!

Cassie: Okay. Let’s go.

Andros (obviously dejected): Yeah. LET’S ROCKET! (The rangers morph, and call on their galaxy gliders, but Andros stays behind.)

Alpha: What’s wrong, Andros?

Andros:Don’t worry about me, Alpha.I’ll be fine.(He calls on his galaxy glider, and leaves)


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